Friday, June 27, 2014

The Sri Yantra

Using the Sri Yantra as a focus point during meditation is a favorite technique I use sometimes. There are some that say meditating on it can bring wealth, both materialistically and spiritually. It is considered to be a sacred instrument that symbolically represents the aspects of divinity and the creative forces of the universe. I have found its use to be calming and that it helps to settle my mind when it is restless.

The different parts of the Sri Yantra represent different things. The dot in the center is called the bindu and it represents the unity that is underneath all aspects of this physical world. The downward triangles represent creative feminine energy or Shakti. The upward triangles represent masculine qualities or Shiva. The circles outside the triangles represent the cycles of cosmic rhythm. Time has no beginning and no end. The lotus petals represent the heart which is the seat of the soul and the unfolding of understanding. When the heart is opened, understanding comes. The square at the outside represents the boundary between this physical realm that our senses show us, and the spiritual realm.

I start by focusing on the bindu and contemplating what it represents. Then I expand my focus outward and do the same thing with the downward triangles, the upward triangles, the circles, the lotus petals and finally the outer square.I do this several times until at a certain point when I get to the outer square I decide to expand my focus to include everything in my peripheral vision. Then I allow my my focus to return to the bindu and stay there. The best way I can describe the state I reach at this point is to say it is like when somebody says, "...he was staring into space..." It isn't a state where I am in a trance or where I have separated myself from reality but rather a "zone" where my sense of reality are actually heightened. The wind blowing in from the window feels different. Sounds sound different, and my sense of smell is more intense. I am really working at being able to maintain this "zone" longer, but the second I realize I'm there, the realization causes me to snap back.

I really like using this technique and I hope if you try it that it works well for you too. Let me know...I will be posting other techniques as well in the future. What are some of your favorite techniques? Share them with us!

Enjoy Life!


Anonymous said...

Very interesting, thank you!

Anonymous said...

I've always been curious about what this picture was. Thanks for making this understandable.