Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Today's Gift From The Cards: The Devil

The Devils represents our own inner Devil in a way. The part of ourselves that keeps us bound by our fears, beliefs or situations that are unhealthy for us. Our inner Devil is usually the cause of most of our problems and the part of ourselves that keeps us living in ignorance or illusion. Are we living a lie about our current situation? Are we cheating on our own values? What exactly are our beliefs, viewpoint and goals? Take care today that you notice when you are involved in negative thinking and watch out for manipulation by others. Also question whether or not you are somewhat addicted to some unhealthy behavior.

As always, these posts are based on Sarah Bartlett's interpretation of the cards.

Enjoy Life!

Monday, July 28, 2014



I am sorry I have neglected my blog this weekend. I went to visit an old friend and I didn't have internet access. I was going to cast a circle Saturday night but because the two people that live in the house have become involved with the Baptist Church and the fact that the balance of energy in their home is delicate, I decided not to cast one. They had told me that they had joined the Baptist Church there in their home town again just for the sense of community it gave them and that it was alright for me to do one, but I could see and feel the influence it was having on them. Both of the people that live in the home are going through a lot of pretty deep stuff right now. There are a lot of conflicting energies trying to coexist and not erupt so I was afraid to manipulate any of the energy there for fear of disrupting the balance. It's weird, the one who thinks they are in control of everything there in the home isn't the one in control at's the other one maintaining the balance and subconsciously manipulating situations. The one in control is sacrificing a lot psychologically in order to be in control, I just hope they bounce back when this is over.

I was able to meditate and set my intentions for this lunar cycle, and while my friend slept Saturday morning I wrote a prayer on the day of the New Moon that I will share with you now.

I know not what to call you. I only know that you are far greater than me and in control, yet somehow we are connected and I am a part of you I yearn to become even closer. I am studying how we, in our feeble human understanding, try to explain the many facets of your intricacy. The more I learn the more I have yet to learn. I humbly ask that you assist me in my search and desire to understand and become closer to you. I also humbly ask that you guide me in the formation of my intentions for the lunar cycle beginning this evening.

I thank you for granting me the realizations that I have come to here at the end of this present lunar cycle which are:

The root of my being is in my Muladhara Chakra. From this sustaining and powerful Chakra comes the impish Dakini that moves my base desires. I can ask Lord Hanuman to assist me in grappling with their moving force.

The key to activating my Swadhisthana Chakra is to understand and work with Garuda. The secret is to work with understanding my desires as movement and to coordinate my movement with my breath, not only during exercise but in my daily life.

I also understand now that the way to activate my Manipura Chakra is to control my will. I must be in charge of it, not it in charge of me. By doing this, I will be granted boons in my life.

I have come to realize finally that the root of all pain and distress in my life is not the source or event that caused the distress but my reaction to it, all my healing must take place there.

I will get back to posting regularly tomorrow. I have already started getting my Anahata Chakra material together and there are other things in the works too, so keep coming back!

Enjoy Life!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Today's Gift From The Cards: Temperance

You can imagine my surprise when, after shuffling the deck, I chose Temperance again. Moderation seems to be the keyword for today as well....

I am working on posting my Manipura material, but ran across another website that listed the presiding deity of each Chakra and theirs were different from mine. I'm going to have to research and see which are correct. If mine are incorrect, I will go back and fix Muladhara and Swadhisthana.

Enjoy Life...

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Today's Gift From The Cards: Temperance

It looks as though moderation and finding our middle ground is in order today. Any goals we have for today will be attainable if we find harmony between our desires and our needs and balance emotionally and mentally. It appears as though we will have a good measure of self-control today and we will probably be a good influence on others. Of course there is always the possibility that the card might be representing its negative aspects and that we are being too willing to compromise. The important thing to remember today is that moderation is the key to our success.

All my Tarot card posts are done according to Sarah Bartlett's interpretation of the cards.

Enjoy Life!


Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sleep And Dream Dakini

Sleep Dakini

Dream Dakini

In Tibetan Buddhism a Dakini or Khandroma is a type of female spirit. The name translates as 'she who traverses the sky' or 'she who moves in space' or, more poetically, as 'sky walker' or 'sky dancer'. The Dakini are generally of volatile or wrathful temperament, and act somewhat as a spiritual muse, or inspirational thought form for spiritual practice. Dakinis are energetic beings in female form, evocative of the movement of energy in space. In this context, the sky or space indicates shunyata the insubstantiality of all phenomena, which is, at the same time, the pure potentiality for all possible manifestations. There are four types of Dakini. The secret nature is The Dakini of Voidness or The Empty Nature of Reality called Prajnaparamita. The inner nature is The Dakini of the Mandala a Meditational Dakini. The outer nature is the physical form and is attained through The Completion Stage Tantra practices such as The Six Yogas of Naropa. The outer-outer nature is the human form. Dakini is also a kind of wisdom queen that is hugged by a male deity in Yab-Yum.

In medieval Hindu legend Dakini is a female imp in the train of Kali who feeds on human flesh. They are comparable to malevolent or vengeful female spirits, deities, imps or fairies in other cultures, such as the Persian peri. The chief deity who has control over such malevolent spirits is Hanuman. There are many Hanuman mantras to win over a Dakini. The most famous ones being, Panchamukhi Hanuman Kavacham, and Saptamukhi Hanuman Kavacham. Dakinis have come to be seen as "guardians of the deeper mysteries of the self", and it is through them that the secrets of inner transformation are opened.

Enjoy Life Friends! 

Today's Gift From The Cards: Five Of Wands

This card represents some sort of struggle, either with ourselves or with someone or something in the external world. If you are under this card's influence today, it will seem like everything is against you and that everything is going to go wrong. It could also indicate an inner struggle where we think we want or need something but it might not be what we truly want or need. We have to get our priorities straight if this is the case. We have to find an agreement within ourselves or between ourselves and another in order to work with this card. We have to work toward finding harmony in our lives.

As always, these daily Tarot card offerings are based on Sarah Bartlett's interpretation of the cards.

Enjoy Life!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Supreme Bliss

"The inquiry  'Who am I?' is the principal means to the removal of all misery and the attainment of the supreme bliss."

Ramana Maharshi

False Separation

Friday, July 18, 2014

The Aetheric Elements

Sacred Anointing Oils, Crystals, And Teas

I just found what looks to be a reputable supplier of Sacred Annointing Oils. I'm not really sure how their prices compare to other sites....but I thought I'd share the resource with you.

They also have a pretty good selection of crystals and stones. Be sure to check out the selection of teas under Metaphysical Products. I hope everyone is having a good day! I'm beginning to believe, as the day progresses, that the Tarot Card we got this morning has been pretty accurate. I really do have a feeling of something idea....or that an idea that I had at one time and have forgotten about needs to be called back up into memory and taken a look at. See if there are any possibilities in bringing the idea to fruition, or if the idea is outdated and needs to be filed away. I want to plan for what lies ahead. Which direction am I going to go in first?  

Enjoy Life!

Today's Gift From The Cards: Three Of Wands

The two key words for this card are preparation and foresight. We should explore future possibilities and prepare for the possibility we see best for our life. It is time for us to use our knowledge and show others that we know the way forward. We must keep in mind the obstacles we will face along the way and make the best plans we can to be able to overcome them. Wow....that went quickly....It was pretty straightforward today! Let me post the picture and then we'll talk about other things for a minute.

Just an update on the Chakra series...I have gotten the material ready to do my first post on the Root Chakra or Muladhara, and I have also gotten together all my material on Swadhisthana, but I started struggling with my Manipura material. I intuitively knew that it meant I needed to spend a little more time on Swadhisthana before I moved on to Manipura. So...this series may take a while to unfold....sorry guys...we all progress at different rates. The sad part is that I've been working at my Chakras for years just to get to where I am. Anything, or any goal you want is worth going the distance for though, right?

There's a light rain falling where I live this morning and it's quite nice. Call me nutty, but I really love rainy days. They have always seemed like days of growth and renewal, a day for planning and drawing maps. Look out over the landscape and see what you can see today....okay?

Enjoy Life!

The Jaguar

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Enchant Your Plants!!!

To enchant a plant fill a watering can with fresh water, then hold your hands over the watering can 
visualize gold (for vitality) and green (for growth) light flowing from your hands into the water. 
Take your time. 
Visualize the water in the bucket swirling with green and gold.
While pouring the enchanted water on the plant, chant three times:

In this small plant does magick live,
With Sun and Earth this water gives vitality and strength to grow,
It is done, I will it so!

Awe Of God

Jewish tradition teaches man how small he is and how great he can become. Do not be frightened of God. Stand in awe of Him. Fear weakens the spirit. Awe strengthens it. Fear is demoralizing. Awe is uplifting.

Awe of God is the acknowledgment of the distance between man and his creator, which only lifts man to greater heights. In no way does it minimize the human desire to achieve truth. On the contrary, awe of God or Heaven evokes the feeling of dignity in man as he sees himself part of the greater scheme of creation.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Today's Gift From The Cards: King Of Cups

The King of Cups represents wisdom and maturity in regards to our emotions. We need to keep our heads and have a calm approach to our current events. in order to avoid confusion. We will be able to "get the job done" if we have an attitude of tolerance and self-discipline. There is also the possibility of an outside stabilizing force, possibly someone in authority, who can offer us invaluable support.

On the negative side of things there's the chance that some of us are in control of our emotions so heavily that we can't even express the truth of our own desires and feelings. Could someone be using emotional blackmail to control you?

It is important for us to have a calm perspective on human nature, both of others and ourselves, in order for us to have a healthy, balanced atmosphere of well-being.

As always, these blog posts are done according to Sarah Bartlett's interpretation of the cards....

Enjoy Life!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Tarot Deck Structure

Each tarot deck is made up of 22 cards called the Major Arcana, plus four suits of 14 cards called the Minor Arcana. The 22 Major Arcana represent profound archetypal qualities that permeate humanity, collectively and on an individual level. The 56 Minor Arcana represent events, people, behavior, ideas and activities that go on in our lives The suit of Swords is associated with the element Air and is concerned with thought, information, connection, ideals, and self-expression. The suit of Wands is associated with the element Fire and is concerned with intuition, vision, progress, individuality, success, and failure. The suit of Pentacles is associated with the element Earth and is concerned with the senses, materialism, external reality, and the tangible. The suit of Cups is associated with the element Water and is concerned with emotions, feelings, and relationships (love and sex.)

Enjoy Life!

Prayer Of The Optina Elders

O Lord, grant unto me that with Thy peace I may greet all that this day is to bring.Grant unto me grace to surrender myself completely to Thy holy will. In every hour of this day instruct and guide me in all things. Whatever tidings I may receive during this day, do Thou teach me to accept tranquilly in the firm belief that Thou holy will governs all. Govern Thou my thoughts and feelings in all I do and say. When unforseen things occur, let me not forget that all is sent by Thee. Teach me to behave sincerely and reasonably toward everyone, that I may bring confusion and sorrow to no one. Bestow on me, O Lord, strength to endure the fatigue of the day and to bear my part in its events. Guide Thou my will and teach me to pray, to believe, to hope, to suffer, to forgive, and to love.

Make it a good day friends,

Enjoy Life!

Your Burden

What is the burden you carry? What do you carry around with you all the time? What is that thing that weighs you down...that makes you sad, hurt, or angry? Try and change the way you think about your burden. Try to think of it as something beautiful, because it is one of the things that has made you unique, it is what makes you, you. Bundle it up into a sack that you can throw on your shoulder to carry. Come with us on our journey and lay it at The Master's feet. It will become your offering....your offering of some of the pain you have endured while making it through this physical existence. Begin you journey with us.

Enjoy Life!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Prayer To Mother Kundalini

Wake up Mother Kundalini. 
Thou whose nature is Bliss Eternal—The Bliss of Brahman. 
Thou dwelling like a serpent asleep at the lotus of Muladhara, 
Sore, affected and distressed am I in body and mind, 
Do thou bless me and leave thy place at the basic lotus. 
Consort of Siva the Self-caused Lord of the Universe, 
Do thou take thy upward course through the central canal. 
Leaving behind Svadhishthana, Manipuraka, Anahata, Vishuddha, and Ajna. 
Be thou united with Siva, thy Lord the God. 
At Sahasrara—the thousand-petalled-lotus in the brain. 
Sport there freely, O Mother, Giver of Bliss Supreme. 
Mother, who is Existence, Knowledge, Bliss Absolute. 
Wake up, Mother Kundalini! Wake up.

Enjoy Life!

The Phoenix

Picture by Emma Spears

The Phoenix is a mythological bird that, when its life nears an end, builds a large nest of twigs and odoriferous spices and gums which burst into flames. The bird is entirely consumed in fire and dies only to rise again from its own ashes...

How many times in your life have you gone through a Phoenix-like experience? A death and resurrection...

Enjoy Life!

Metempsychosis...The Transmigration Of The Soul

On the semi-barbarous north-eastern frontier of Thrace, about the 6th century BC, the doctrine of metempsychosis began to be taught by the legendary musician, poet, and prophet Orpheus.The soul and body are united by a compact unequally binding on either; the soul is divine, immortal and aspires to freedom, while the body holds it in fetters as a prisoner. Death dissolves this compact, but only to re-imprison the liberated soul after a short time: for the wheel of birth revolves inexorably. Thus the soul continues its journey, alternating between a separate unrestrained existence and fresh reincarnation, round the wide circle of necessity, as the companion of many bodies of men and animals." To these unfortunate prisoner souls Orpheus proclaims the message of liberation, that they stand in need of the grace of redeeming gods and calls them to turn to God by ascetic piety of life and self-purification: the purer their lives the higher will be their next reincarnation, until the soul has completed the spiral ascent of destiny to live for ever as God from whom it comes.

I work toward that final permanent liberation of my soul and pray for the release of yours...

Enjoy Life!

Today's Gift From The Cards: The Magician

The Magician symbolizes the part of your unconscious which manifests itself into the material realm of existence. The means by which we bring our unconscious desires into being. This card reminds us it is important to be flexible and to adapt to changing circumstances, to communicate, and to listen to our inner voice in order to juggle with ideas and find the right way forward.

The Magician also represents our ability to make decisions and efficiently work with our skills and knowledge as long as we don't think we have the answers to everything. And also along the negative would be wise to make sure we are not ignoring our deeper needs and values. Maybe we need to think about our true motives, or practice what we preach.

As I said before, these posts are based on Sarah Bartlett's interpretation of the cards.

Enjoy Life!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Today's Gift From The Cards: The World

Everyday is a rebirth, the chance to start life anew. A clean canvas on which to paint a brand new picture of our life.In an effort to help us do this more effectively, I've decided that every other day I will do a daily tarot reading. I will draw one card and reflect on it's meaning.

Today's card was a Major Arcana card...The World

Just about all the cards in a Tarot deck can have positive and negative meanings. Drawing The World card can mean we are becoming more aware of who we are, our limitations, our choices, and we are taking responsibility for ourselves. We are coming to terms with our sense of individual value and how we relate to others.

Have you met the ultimate partner? Have you found the perfect job? If you have then you know that regardless of the cost involved, you have to pursue it, turning down all other pathways to follow this particular signpost.

It can also mean that we are too convinced that everything is going well or that we are indulging in too much wishful thinking. Are we seeing only what we want to see or living by others' expectations? We may need to ask ourselves if there is something we need to wake up to. It may be time to take a more objective look at ourselves and our goals.

In all kinds of ways we are expanding our horizons, both emotionally and physically, and we know that if we follow the right path our future happiness will be assured.

I hope someone that finds this page today and reads about today's card will be touched in some way with meaning.

All of these blog posts will be based on Sarah Bartlett's interpretation of the cards...

Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Full Moon Circle July 12, 2014

I wanted to share a script of the Circle I will be casting this Saturday. It will be in Capricorn.

I Begin by meditating on Ganesha taking form within my belly, and I reflect upon him illuminating the dark corners of my psyche that I am afraid to enter. I ask him to remove the obstacles in my path and to remove the bindings of conditioned belief and response – the habitual patterns of attitudes, emotions, and behaviors that maintain the boundaries of my achievable reality. I use the mantra AUM GANAPATI NAMAH. I ask for his blessing in casting my Circle.

I breathe out the Ganesha within me into his image and offer fire by lighting the candle placed in front of his image. I use the mantra AUM KSHIPRA PRASADAYA NAMAH while doing this.

I then Light sage and using my turkey feather as a besom I walk widdershins (counter-clockwise) around the circle sweeping from the center outward to cleanse the circle of negative energy. I recite this chant:

Sweep out evil, sweep out ill, where I do the Spirit’s will.
Feather, feather, sweep out darkness, sweep out doom.
My prayers be swift in flight, Cast out darkness, bring in light.
Earth be hallow, air be pure, fire burn bright, as water cures.
A sacred bridge this site shall be.
As I will, So Mote it Be.

I take up my Rowan branch and hold it aloft saying:

Blessed Be, instrument of light, my tool of magick, power, and might.

I place the Rowan branch back on the altar.

I hold my hand over the water and salt on the altar. I pass it over the elements three times to banish, and then hold my hand steady to bless. I visualize a sparkling light surrounding and infusing the elements while reciting:

Elements of Earth and Water, I cleanse and consecrate thee in the names of my Gods.
I bring their blessings upon you now. So mote It be.

I pour the consecrated salt into the consecrated water. I light the red candle, cleanse and consecrate the candle (Fire) as I did above with Earth and Water,chanting:

Element of Fire, I cleanse and consecrate thee in the names of my Gods.
I bring their blessings upon you now. So mote it be.

I use the consecrated fire to light the incense. I then cleanse and consecrate the smoke from the incense (Air) as I did with the other Elements while reciting:

Element of Air, I cleanse and consecrate thee in the names of my Gods.
I bring their blessings upon you now. So Mote It Be.

I take the water/salt (Water and Earth) and go once deosil (clockwise) around the circle. While walking the circle I disperse the elements using an asperger or sprigs of herbs. I recite:

Powers of Water and Earth this circle grace. Purify, cleanse, and bless this space.

I take up the incense (Fire and Air) and go once deosil around the circle. While walking the circle I disperse the elements using the turkey feather. I recite:

Powers of Fire and Air this circle grace. Purify, cleanse, and bless this space.

I take up the Rowan branch and face east. Holding it out at waist level, I walk deosil thrice around the circle perimeter charging it with this chant as I visualize the energy coming from the within me into and out of the branch to create the circle. I recite:

Forces and powers around me spin,
If thou art good, I welcome thee in.
With Love and Light I charge this space,
I work my magick within this place.
Forces of Air, forces of wind,
Protect me here, the power begins.
Forces of Fire, force of light,
Protect this Circle, both day and night.
Forces of Water, forces of sea,
Protected forever, this Circle shall be.
Forces of Earth, forces of stone,
Power awakened by me, alone.
Forever and ever as long as I live,
My powers and love, this Circle I give.

I raise the Rowan branch and point it to the sky, while saying, As above...
I then lower the branch to point it at the ground, while saying, So below...

This is my favorite part because after I draw the Circle down and up around me, I feel as though I’m in a protective sphere or bubble floating in the Aether. It’s a really cool feeling.

Next I start in the East and moving deosil around to the North, lighting the corresponding elemental candle, and invoking the quarters. I have another set of quarter invocations that I use for other occasions, but these are the ones I use for the Full Moon:

East, I call you
by the power of the Waxing Moon,
Her crescent shape
Bringing the promise of growth.
Come and be here now!

South, I call you
by the power of the Full Moon,
Her brightness
Glowing with abundance.
Come and be here now!

West, I call you
by the power of the Waning Moon,
Her decline
Bringing cleansing and release.
Come and be here now!

North, I call you
by the power of the New Moon
Her darkness
a time for rest and renewal.
Come and be here now!

Lighting the center candle I say:

Grandmother Moon
Shine your light upon us. It is you who pull the tides and the women's bodies. It is you who pull the seeds to sprouting.
Let us gather tonight in ceremony.
To say thank you for all that we are growing in our lives.
To connect with Spirit and all those around the world who celebrate your cycles.

I pray for the Pagan God and Goddess to join me and me their blessings:

Lady of the Night, Mother Goddess hear my call. Watch over my Circle of Power, touch me, change me, and make me whole.

Lord of The Wilds, Father Sky, hear my call, come join me. Watch over my circle of Power, touch me, change me, and make me whole.

I then pray to Ganesha, Ardhnarishwara, and my other Gods, Goddesses, and saints to bless and protect me.

Next I pour some wine into the libation dish and say, To my Gods!

I then fill the altar goblet with wine. I hold up the altar goblet and say, I drink to my Gods

I take a sip from the goblet, and say, Blessed Be.

I take up the plate with crackers and say, May I never hunger.

I take a bite, and then say, Blessed Be.
I take up the wine and say, May I never thirst.

I take a sip of the wine and say, Blessed Be.

I then give thanks for the things I am thankful for, and I spend some time in fellowship and communion with the energy of the moon. I then Perform a Fire Ceremony with the Central Candle and meditate.

My Fire Ceremony consists of my meditating on whatever crystal grid I have going on and using my quartz wand to visualize and draw the energy from the central fire and crystals into myself.

I usually do a tarot reading at this point.

Now I open the circle. Starting in the North, and moving widdershins around the circle to the East, I go to each quarter and I say the following release chants and extinguish the elemental candle:

I thank you North!
I thank you, Lady of the Dark Moon
For your presence here tonight.
Walk with me always
as you dance the cycles of life.
Blessed Be!

I thank you West!
I thank you, Lady of the Cleansing Moon
For your presence here tonight.
Walk with me always
as you dance the cycles of life.
Blessed Be!

I thank you South!
I thank you, Lady of the Bright Moon
For your presence here tonight.
Walk with me always
as you dance the cycles of life.
Blessed Be!

I thank you East!
I thank you, Lady of the Growing Moon
For your presence here tonight.
Walk with me always
as you dance the cycles of life.
Blessed Be!

I return to the Central Candle and say:

I give thanks to you Grandmother Moon for your presence here tonight and joining my rite. Walk with me always as you dance the cycles of life. Blessed Be!

Thank you Lady of Darkness, and Lord of The Wild

Thank you….I have a list so I will just say I say Thank you to my other Gods, Goddesses, and Saints

I extinguish the central candle

I take up the Rowan branch and retract the energy of the circle back into myself moving widdershins beginning in the north around to the east I use the following chant:

Circle Round, now be Unbound as I make my way around.
I now Dissolve this Sacred Space and send all Powers back to place.

Circle Round, now be Unbound as I make my way around.
Stay if you can, go if you must, with Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Circle Round, now be Unbound as I make my way around.
My Work is finished for the night and now I end my Magick Rite.

I then say the following salute:

The circle is open, but unbroken.

My Religious Background

I was raised Southern Baptist. I actually loved going to church when I was a child, and I loved to learn about the Bible. I was "saved" and baptized into the church. About the age of fourteen or so I started realizing that, according to the preacher and everything I was learning in Sunday school, I was definitely going to Hell. Every Sunday it was the same, and then through the week I would dwell on the fact that I was doomed. It got to the point where I just couldn't take it anymore and I stopped going. Just after I stopped going to the Southern Baptist church, I was too busy dealing with my raging hormones and the changes associated with puberty to think about church.  For the next thirty years I lived a hedonistic, bacchanalian life without even a thought about God.

Then I became homeless. I had no choice but to turn to God. I had no one else. I knew that I couldn't deal with a Baptist church like the one I grew up in. I didn't believe their teachings anyway. I believed in Christ, his virgin birth, his teachings, his crucifixion, and his resurrection. I just didn't believe in the way the Christian Church had twisted his teachings for their own agenda.I didn't know anything about Hinduism, Buddhism, or Paganism/Wicca at that time.

I.found an ecumenical Christian church that had a pretty cool liturgy that I got into, so I started going there. During the liturgy the Priest would cleanse the area with sage, he would invoke the four quarters, communion, and then there would be "praise dancers." I went there for about a year. The church was in a building downtown, and several buildings away there was a new age bookstore. I would go in there from time to time and look around. The crystals kept calling me and a particular picture of Shiva did as well. I wanted to learn about the crystals. What were their metaphysical properties? I kept thinking that maybe there was one that would help me. Actually, as I'm writing this, I realized that I'm still searching for that elusive one stone that will set things right. I wanted to know who this Shiva was. Why was I so drawn to him. I started practicing Paganism and exploring Hinduism.

I explored and dabbled in Paganism and Hinduism for several years then, through a series of bad decisions I became homeless. I really don't want to go into all that right now but during that time I got introduced to The Russian Orthodox Church and I feel in love with it. I converted and was baptized in 2001..There was one piece of doctrine that I didn't believe and I didn't like it but I accepted it. Finally after a couple of years I couldn't take it anymore. I kept feeling like I was just living a lie....I had tried and tried to live by that particular piece of doctrine but I just couldn't I left the Church and shortly thereafter I went back to Hinduism and Buddhism. This time though my studies went deeper and I was much more serious about it. My beliefs have grown and evolved since then. Now I have merged the parts I feel to be true from each faith that I've studied, and incorporated them (quite successfully I might add) into a form of worship that sustains and nourishes me.

Share your background with us! Let's get to know one another....

Enjoy life!


Friday, July 4, 2014

Create A Sacred Space

Every time I've had to move, my Sacred Space is the first thing I think about. Where is it going to go? Where is the best place for me to have it? I do this before anything else. That's just me I's the most important thing in my life.

The first thing you will need to do is ask yourself what the purpose of your sacred space is going to be. Is it going to be just a quiet space where you can sit comfortably and reflect on what is going on in your life? Is it going to be a more formal space for you to do your prayers or offer puja to one or more of the Hindu Deities or Christian God? If you want to explore Paganism and Wicca, do you want a space to try your hand at casting circles?  You will need to keep your answers in mind when you ask yourself where you are going to put your sacred space. If you are really serious about enhancing and working on your spiritual health then I want to stress to you how important having this sacred space in your home is. It is my greatest source of comfort when I am anxious, depressed, or upset and going to my altar to express my gratitude is one of the first things I do when something really good happens in my life. So, even if you think you don't have room for this, try and make some room. Even if it is only a shelf in a closet or something.

The particular religious path you are following will determine what you need in your sacred space of course. It could just be just a candle and images of Christ and The Virgin Mary or it could be more elaborate with representations of the elements, incense, and icons of Saints, Gods and Goddesses.

I am very fortunate in that I have been able to devote an entire room for Sacred Space. I cast circles on nights of the New and Full Moons. During a New Moon Circle I set my intentions for the new cycle and I do a Tarot reading for guidance. During the Full Moon Circle I celebrate and fellowship with the Moons energy, soaking up as much as I can. I reflect on how I'm doing with the intentions I set at the New Moon, and I resolve to get rid of anything that's not working out. I do a Tarot reading on the night of the Full Moon for guidance as well. I have small tables with candles for each of the four directions and a central table for the fifth element of Akasha (Aether). I also jokingly call my central table the manifestation station because it is where I have my most important crystal grid working and I meditate with it a lot in between circles. When the moon is waning I concentrate on banishing things from my life and when the moon is waxing I work on increasing my energy and manifesting the intentions that I set at the New Moon. Here are some pictures of my Sacred Space and my Manifestation Station...

While I was uploading the pictures I decided that I am going to publish an article about the way I cast my circles. Since I ask for a blessing from Ganesha before I begin and I pray to Christ, The Theotokos, different Saints and my Guardian Angel (sometimes the Archangel Michael) to protect me during my ritual, I think it would be a good idea for me to tell you how I go about it. Some of the chants I say are really cool, so I'm eager to share those with you as well.

Enjoy Life My Friends!

The Hand Of Fatima

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Using Fire To Release Feelings Of Anger

Since anger is one of the negative characteristics of the element Fire, I use it to release anger that I am having a difficult time dealing with. Of course, this technique wouldn't be suited for the heat of the moment. I'm writing about the type of anger that you might be holding on to.

First, I go to the room I have devoted to sacred space and sit at my central table. I light the candle that is always there ready to go. I then sit back comfortably and bring the event that triggered the anger to mind. I begin to feel the anger that was created. I force myself to sit with the anger for awhile and I try to feel it as deeply as I can, even though it is usually uncomfortable. There is a type of anger that I don't really find uncomfortable, and that is anger that I think I am justified in feeling. It is a sort of righteous indignation if you will. In this case it is harder for me to release because I don't want to let it go. However, in my opinion, anger in any form is unhealthy if you hold on to it for too long.

Next, I begin to explore how the emotion is affecting me physically. I try to locate the anger in my body. Where am I holding it? When I am able to find it, I imagine it to be a fiery red ball. I develop the picture in my mind as deeply as I can. I see its color. I feel its heat. I watch as the flames flicker and change in intensity, always keeping in mind that this fire is actually the anger I feel. I imagine that I can actually hold the fiery ball without getting burned. I cradle it in my hands and draw it from inside of me. I could almost describe it as psychic surgery...I know that sounds hokey, but it really kind of fits. I hold it out in front of me and examine it now that it is outside my body. While I am visualizing myself holding the fiery ball, at the same time I imagine that I can feel a tingling sensation in the area I have just taken the anger away. I visualize it filling with a sparkling, white light.

At this point I take the imaginary fiery ball that is my anger and "send" it into the flame of the candle. I see the two merge and watch as the flame increases in intensity and heat. It flickers, sparks, and sways and gradually returns to its previous state. Once I see that the flame has settled back down,. I move my attention back to the spot that once held the anger. I imagine I can feel the tingling and that I can sense a calm, loving white glow there. I realize that this is a form of Divine Spirit and that if I allow it, I can have it with me always. I then lean forward and blow the candle out. As the smoke rises, I "see" the anger that I have released mixed with the smoke from the fire and I watch it rise away from me and out into the heavens.

I have now released the anger that was troubling me.

As always, when I am discussing the different techniques I use, I try to keep in mind that most of you aren't blessed with as much time to devote to your spiritual health as I do. I usually try to find a similar way to use the technique I'm explaining that would be useful to someone who has limited time. In this case I would try to visualize a candle in my mind and imagine lighting it. (Don't try to imagine a blazing fire such as a bonfire or forest fire because I'm afraid that would fuel your anger...) You will still have to feel the anger as fully as you have time for, gather it into a fiery ball in your heart and visualize sending it into the flame of the candle. There the fiery ball and candle flame become one flame. See how the flame kind of blazes with more intensity for a minute and then see it return to a normal flame. Your anger has become a part of the candle flame. Now, blow out the candle with your mind. Watch the smoke rise to the heavens. You have released your anger.

Try not to pick this same anger up again. If you do though, simply do the technique again, and again until you finally have a sense of peace and acceptance when you think of it.

Enjoy Life!