Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sleep And Dream Dakini

Sleep Dakini

Dream Dakini

In Tibetan Buddhism a Dakini or Khandroma is a type of female spirit. The name translates as 'she who traverses the sky' or 'she who moves in space' or, more poetically, as 'sky walker' or 'sky dancer'. The Dakini are generally of volatile or wrathful temperament, and act somewhat as a spiritual muse, or inspirational thought form for spiritual practice. Dakinis are energetic beings in female form, evocative of the movement of energy in space. In this context, the sky or space indicates shunyata the insubstantiality of all phenomena, which is, at the same time, the pure potentiality for all possible manifestations. There are four types of Dakini. The secret nature is The Dakini of Voidness or The Empty Nature of Reality called Prajnaparamita. The inner nature is The Dakini of the Mandala a Meditational Dakini. The outer nature is the physical form and is attained through The Completion Stage Tantra practices such as The Six Yogas of Naropa. The outer-outer nature is the human form. Dakini is also a kind of wisdom queen that is hugged by a male deity in Yab-Yum.

In medieval Hindu legend Dakini is a female imp in the train of Kali who feeds on human flesh. They are comparable to malevolent or vengeful female spirits, deities, imps or fairies in other cultures, such as the Persian peri. The chief deity who has control over such malevolent spirits is Hanuman. There are many Hanuman mantras to win over a Dakini. The most famous ones being, Panchamukhi Hanuman Kavacham, and Saptamukhi Hanuman Kavacham. Dakinis have come to be seen as "guardians of the deeper mysteries of the self", and it is through them that the secrets of inner transformation are opened.

Enjoy Life Friends! 

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