Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Full Moon Circle July 12, 2014

I wanted to share a script of the Circle I will be casting this Saturday. It will be in Capricorn.

I Begin by meditating on Ganesha taking form within my belly, and I reflect upon him illuminating the dark corners of my psyche that I am afraid to enter. I ask him to remove the obstacles in my path and to remove the bindings of conditioned belief and response – the habitual patterns of attitudes, emotions, and behaviors that maintain the boundaries of my achievable reality. I use the mantra AUM GANAPATI NAMAH. I ask for his blessing in casting my Circle.

I breathe out the Ganesha within me into his image and offer fire by lighting the candle placed in front of his image. I use the mantra AUM KSHIPRA PRASADAYA NAMAH while doing this.

I then Light sage and using my turkey feather as a besom I walk widdershins (counter-clockwise) around the circle sweeping from the center outward to cleanse the circle of negative energy. I recite this chant:

Sweep out evil, sweep out ill, where I do the Spirit’s will.
Feather, feather, sweep out darkness, sweep out doom.
My prayers be swift in flight, Cast out darkness, bring in light.
Earth be hallow, air be pure, fire burn bright, as water cures.
A sacred bridge this site shall be.
As I will, So Mote it Be.

I take up my Rowan branch and hold it aloft saying:

Blessed Be, instrument of light, my tool of magick, power, and might.

I place the Rowan branch back on the altar.

I hold my hand over the water and salt on the altar. I pass it over the elements three times to banish, and then hold my hand steady to bless. I visualize a sparkling light surrounding and infusing the elements while reciting:

Elements of Earth and Water, I cleanse and consecrate thee in the names of my Gods.
I bring their blessings upon you now. So mote It be.

I pour the consecrated salt into the consecrated water. I light the red candle, cleanse and consecrate the candle (Fire) as I did above with Earth and Water,chanting:

Element of Fire, I cleanse and consecrate thee in the names of my Gods.
I bring their blessings upon you now. So mote it be.

I use the consecrated fire to light the incense. I then cleanse and consecrate the smoke from the incense (Air) as I did with the other Elements while reciting:

Element of Air, I cleanse and consecrate thee in the names of my Gods.
I bring their blessings upon you now. So Mote It Be.

I take the water/salt (Water and Earth) and go once deosil (clockwise) around the circle. While walking the circle I disperse the elements using an asperger or sprigs of herbs. I recite:

Powers of Water and Earth this circle grace. Purify, cleanse, and bless this space.

I take up the incense (Fire and Air) and go once deosil around the circle. While walking the circle I disperse the elements using the turkey feather. I recite:

Powers of Fire and Air this circle grace. Purify, cleanse, and bless this space.

I take up the Rowan branch and face east. Holding it out at waist level, I walk deosil thrice around the circle perimeter charging it with this chant as I visualize the energy coming from the within me into and out of the branch to create the circle. I recite:

Forces and powers around me spin,
If thou art good, I welcome thee in.
With Love and Light I charge this space,
I work my magick within this place.
Forces of Air, forces of wind,
Protect me here, the power begins.
Forces of Fire, force of light,
Protect this Circle, both day and night.
Forces of Water, forces of sea,
Protected forever, this Circle shall be.
Forces of Earth, forces of stone,
Power awakened by me, alone.
Forever and ever as long as I live,
My powers and love, this Circle I give.

I raise the Rowan branch and point it to the sky, while saying, As above...
I then lower the branch to point it at the ground, while saying, So below...

This is my favorite part because after I draw the Circle down and up around me, I feel as though I’m in a protective sphere or bubble floating in the Aether. It’s a really cool feeling.

Next I start in the East and moving deosil around to the North, lighting the corresponding elemental candle, and invoking the quarters. I have another set of quarter invocations that I use for other occasions, but these are the ones I use for the Full Moon:

East, I call you
by the power of the Waxing Moon,
Her crescent shape
Bringing the promise of growth.
Come and be here now!

South, I call you
by the power of the Full Moon,
Her brightness
Glowing with abundance.
Come and be here now!

West, I call you
by the power of the Waning Moon,
Her decline
Bringing cleansing and release.
Come and be here now!

North, I call you
by the power of the New Moon
Her darkness
a time for rest and renewal.
Come and be here now!

Lighting the center candle I say:

Grandmother Moon
Shine your light upon us. It is you who pull the tides and the women's bodies. It is you who pull the seeds to sprouting.
Let us gather tonight in ceremony.
To say thank you for all that we are growing in our lives.
To connect with Spirit and all those around the world who celebrate your cycles.

I pray for the Pagan God and Goddess to join me and me their blessings:

Lady of the Night, Mother Goddess hear my call. Watch over my Circle of Power, touch me, change me, and make me whole.

Lord of The Wilds, Father Sky, hear my call, come join me. Watch over my circle of Power, touch me, change me, and make me whole.

I then pray to Ganesha, Ardhnarishwara, and my other Gods, Goddesses, and saints to bless and protect me.

Next I pour some wine into the libation dish and say, To my Gods!

I then fill the altar goblet with wine. I hold up the altar goblet and say, I drink to my Gods

I take a sip from the goblet, and say, Blessed Be.

I take up the plate with crackers and say, May I never hunger.

I take a bite, and then say, Blessed Be.
I take up the wine and say, May I never thirst.

I take a sip of the wine and say, Blessed Be.

I then give thanks for the things I am thankful for, and I spend some time in fellowship and communion with the energy of the moon. I then Perform a Fire Ceremony with the Central Candle and meditate.

My Fire Ceremony consists of my meditating on whatever crystal grid I have going on and using my quartz wand to visualize and draw the energy from the central fire and crystals into myself.

I usually do a tarot reading at this point.

Now I open the circle. Starting in the North, and moving widdershins around the circle to the East, I go to each quarter and I say the following release chants and extinguish the elemental candle:

I thank you North!
I thank you, Lady of the Dark Moon
For your presence here tonight.
Walk with me always
as you dance the cycles of life.
Blessed Be!

I thank you West!
I thank you, Lady of the Cleansing Moon
For your presence here tonight.
Walk with me always
as you dance the cycles of life.
Blessed Be!

I thank you South!
I thank you, Lady of the Bright Moon
For your presence here tonight.
Walk with me always
as you dance the cycles of life.
Blessed Be!

I thank you East!
I thank you, Lady of the Growing Moon
For your presence here tonight.
Walk with me always
as you dance the cycles of life.
Blessed Be!

I return to the Central Candle and say:

I give thanks to you Grandmother Moon for your presence here tonight and joining my rite. Walk with me always as you dance the cycles of life. Blessed Be!

Thank you Lady of Darkness, and Lord of The Wild

Thank you….I have a list so I will just say I say Thank you to my other Gods, Goddesses, and Saints

I extinguish the central candle

I take up the Rowan branch and retract the energy of the circle back into myself moving widdershins beginning in the north around to the east I use the following chant:

Circle Round, now be Unbound as I make my way around.
I now Dissolve this Sacred Space and send all Powers back to place.

Circle Round, now be Unbound as I make my way around.
Stay if you can, go if you must, with Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Circle Round, now be Unbound as I make my way around.
My Work is finished for the night and now I end my Magick Rite.

I then say the following salute:

The circle is open, but unbroken.

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