Monday, July 14, 2014

Metempsychosis...The Transmigration Of The Soul

On the semi-barbarous north-eastern frontier of Thrace, about the 6th century BC, the doctrine of metempsychosis began to be taught by the legendary musician, poet, and prophet Orpheus.The soul and body are united by a compact unequally binding on either; the soul is divine, immortal and aspires to freedom, while the body holds it in fetters as a prisoner. Death dissolves this compact, but only to re-imprison the liberated soul after a short time: for the wheel of birth revolves inexorably. Thus the soul continues its journey, alternating between a separate unrestrained existence and fresh reincarnation, round the wide circle of necessity, as the companion of many bodies of men and animals." To these unfortunate prisoner souls Orpheus proclaims the message of liberation, that they stand in need of the grace of redeeming gods and calls them to turn to God by ascetic piety of life and self-purification: the purer their lives the higher will be their next reincarnation, until the soul has completed the spiral ascent of destiny to live for ever as God from whom it comes.

I work toward that final permanent liberation of my soul and pray for the release of yours...

Enjoy Life!

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