Friday, July 4, 2014

Create A Sacred Space

Every time I've had to move, my Sacred Space is the first thing I think about. Where is it going to go? Where is the best place for me to have it? I do this before anything else. That's just me I's the most important thing in my life.

The first thing you will need to do is ask yourself what the purpose of your sacred space is going to be. Is it going to be just a quiet space where you can sit comfortably and reflect on what is going on in your life? Is it going to be a more formal space for you to do your prayers or offer puja to one or more of the Hindu Deities or Christian God? If you want to explore Paganism and Wicca, do you want a space to try your hand at casting circles?  You will need to keep your answers in mind when you ask yourself where you are going to put your sacred space. If you are really serious about enhancing and working on your spiritual health then I want to stress to you how important having this sacred space in your home is. It is my greatest source of comfort when I am anxious, depressed, or upset and going to my altar to express my gratitude is one of the first things I do when something really good happens in my life. So, even if you think you don't have room for this, try and make some room. Even if it is only a shelf in a closet or something.

The particular religious path you are following will determine what you need in your sacred space of course. It could just be just a candle and images of Christ and The Virgin Mary or it could be more elaborate with representations of the elements, incense, and icons of Saints, Gods and Goddesses.

I am very fortunate in that I have been able to devote an entire room for Sacred Space. I cast circles on nights of the New and Full Moons. During a New Moon Circle I set my intentions for the new cycle and I do a Tarot reading for guidance. During the Full Moon Circle I celebrate and fellowship with the Moons energy, soaking up as much as I can. I reflect on how I'm doing with the intentions I set at the New Moon, and I resolve to get rid of anything that's not working out. I do a Tarot reading on the night of the Full Moon for guidance as well. I have small tables with candles for each of the four directions and a central table for the fifth element of Akasha (Aether). I also jokingly call my central table the manifestation station because it is where I have my most important crystal grid working and I meditate with it a lot in between circles. When the moon is waning I concentrate on banishing things from my life and when the moon is waxing I work on increasing my energy and manifesting the intentions that I set at the New Moon. Here are some pictures of my Sacred Space and my Manifestation Station...

While I was uploading the pictures I decided that I am going to publish an article about the way I cast my circles. Since I ask for a blessing from Ganesha before I begin and I pray to Christ, The Theotokos, different Saints and my Guardian Angel (sometimes the Archangel Michael) to protect me during my ritual, I think it would be a good idea for me to tell you how I go about it. Some of the chants I say are really cool, so I'm eager to share those with you as well.

Enjoy Life My Friends!

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