Friday, July 18, 2014

Today's Gift From The Cards: Three Of Wands

The two key words for this card are preparation and foresight. We should explore future possibilities and prepare for the possibility we see best for our life. It is time for us to use our knowledge and show others that we know the way forward. We must keep in mind the obstacles we will face along the way and make the best plans we can to be able to overcome them. Wow....that went quickly....It was pretty straightforward today! Let me post the picture and then we'll talk about other things for a minute.

Just an update on the Chakra series...I have gotten the material ready to do my first post on the Root Chakra or Muladhara, and I have also gotten together all my material on Swadhisthana, but I started struggling with my Manipura material. I intuitively knew that it meant I needed to spend a little more time on Swadhisthana before I moved on to Manipura. So...this series may take a while to unfold....sorry guys...we all progress at different rates. The sad part is that I've been working at my Chakras for years just to get to where I am. Anything, or any goal you want is worth going the distance for though, right?

There's a light rain falling where I live this morning and it's quite nice. Call me nutty, but I really love rainy days. They have always seemed like days of growth and renewal, a day for planning and drawing maps. Look out over the landscape and see what you can see today....okay?

Enjoy Life!

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