Monday, July 28, 2014


I am sorry I have neglected my blog this weekend. I went to visit an old friend and I didn't have internet access. I was going to cast a circle Saturday night but because the two people that live in the house have become involved with the Baptist Church and the fact that the balance of energy in their home is delicate, I decided not to cast one. They had told me that they had joined the Baptist Church there in their home town again just for the sense of community it gave them and that it was alright for me to do one, but I could see and feel the influence it was having on them. Both of the people that live in the home are going through a lot of pretty deep stuff right now. There are a lot of conflicting energies trying to coexist and not erupt so I was afraid to manipulate any of the energy there for fear of disrupting the balance. It's weird, the one who thinks they are in control of everything there in the home isn't the one in control at's the other one maintaining the balance and subconsciously manipulating situations. The one in control is sacrificing a lot psychologically in order to be in control, I just hope they bounce back when this is over.

I was able to meditate and set my intentions for this lunar cycle, and while my friend slept Saturday morning I wrote a prayer on the day of the New Moon that I will share with you now.

I know not what to call you. I only know that you are far greater than me and in control, yet somehow we are connected and I am a part of you I yearn to become even closer. I am studying how we, in our feeble human understanding, try to explain the many facets of your intricacy. The more I learn the more I have yet to learn. I humbly ask that you assist me in my search and desire to understand and become closer to you. I also humbly ask that you guide me in the formation of my intentions for the lunar cycle beginning this evening.

I thank you for granting me the realizations that I have come to here at the end of this present lunar cycle which are:

The root of my being is in my Muladhara Chakra. From this sustaining and powerful Chakra comes the impish Dakini that moves my base desires. I can ask Lord Hanuman to assist me in grappling with their moving force.

The key to activating my Swadhisthana Chakra is to understand and work with Garuda. The secret is to work with understanding my desires as movement and to coordinate my movement with my breath, not only during exercise but in my daily life.

I also understand now that the way to activate my Manipura Chakra is to control my will. I must be in charge of it, not it in charge of me. By doing this, I will be granted boons in my life.

I have come to realize finally that the root of all pain and distress in my life is not the source or event that caused the distress but my reaction to it, all my healing must take place there.

I will get back to posting regularly tomorrow. I have already started getting my Anahata Chakra material together and there are other things in the works too, so keep coming back!

Enjoy Life!

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