Saturday, August 30, 2014

Today's Gift From The Cards: The Hierophant

According to Google a hierophant is a person, especially a priest in ancient Greece, who interprets sacred mysteries or esoteric principles. In a nutshell, for us, this card tells us that we need to play by the rules for awhile, but we also need to make sure and give voice to our soul. Be careful not to be stuck in your ways. There's the possibility of meeting a spiritual adviser or teacher or someone we feel we've known before. We need to remember that, like us, everyone else has their particular beliefs too. I guess we'll have to act appropriately for now. ..

Enjoy Life Friends!

Friday, August 29, 2014

The Waxing Crescent Moon

Let's build some good energy guys!
Enjoy Life!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Pushing Upward

Pushing Upward
I Ching Tarot Deck

I hope you are well and that you can...
Enjoy Life!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

From The Vedas

"The knower, the author of time, the possessor of qualities and all knowledge, it is He who envelopes the universe. Controlled by Him, this work of creation unfolds itself - that which is regarded as earth, water, fire, air and ether."

A Glimpse Beyond

Daily Sadhana

In addition to casting a circle almost every New and Full Moon I also do morning and evening prayers. The length of time I have decides how involved my ritual is to be. At the very least I light a candle,some incense , and reverence the thangkas, murti, and icons.If it's morning prayers I tell Ganesha how much I love him and how much I am grateful for his help. I humbly ask Him to be with me through the day and to remove any obstacles that I might encounter, or provide me with good options in dealing with them. I tell Mother Kali and Durga how much I love them and I thank them for how much they love me. I ask them to share their divine love with me through the day and to guard and protect me. I tell Lakshmi and Saraswati how much I love them. I pray to Jesus Christ that if I am one of his lost sheep, that being the Good Shepard, would he please guide me home.

There is always Earth represented on my Altar in the form of Himalayan sea salt. I light my red candle to represent Fire and the incense burning represents Air. I take the bowl (that has the leftover water from yesterday) from the Altar, empty it, and refill it with fresh water. I offer the water to the Gods then place it on the Altar to represent Water. I spend as much time as I have to say  mantras, pray, or reflect on the day in the presence of the Gods. I ask for guidance and discernment most days. I then put out the candles and make sure the incense is okay and begin my day. In the evenings it is much the same only I spend a little more time in thanking the Gods for their help

For the longest time I put off incorporating the Hindu Deities I love into my regular prayer practice (which I now call my Sadhana after learning the word...). I didn't want to do if without knowing the proper way to do it. I happened to be reading about Kali one day and it said that in sacred texts it was written that she said, "Speak to me as you would your mother..." That struck a cord with me and I decided on doing things the way I just described. On New Moons I put out food for my relatives who have crossed over, specifically my Mom, and Grandmother.

The whole time I've been writing this I've been asking myself, "Why are you writing about this?" Quite honestly, I don't know. I'm not trying to brag or make you feel sorry for me or anything like that at all. Please don't think I'm crazy either. I know it seems like I am taking liberties in the way I am approaching and speaking to the Gods, but it is genuine, sincere, and heartfelt. How could they be angry? I think it's just that I want you to be able to get to know me as best as you can through this medium.

I hope this turns out to be a great day for everyone!

Enjoy Life!

Hermetic Arts

Landscape With Two Candles

Tom Allen

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Prayer To The Unknown God


1. In the beginning there arose the Golden Child (Hiranya-garbha), as soon as born, he alone was the lord of all that is. He established the earth and this heaven. - Who is the God to whom we shall offer sacrifice?
2. He who gives breath, he who gives strength, whose command all the bright gods revere, whose shadow is immortality, whose shadow is death. - Who is the God to whom we shall offer sacrifice?
3. He who through his might became the sole King of the breathing and twinkling world, who governs all this, man and beast. - Who is the God to whom we shall offer sacrifice?
4. He through whose might these snowy mountains are, and the sea, they say, with the distant river (the Rasa), he of whom these regions are indeed the two arms. - Who is the God to whom we shall offer sacrifice?
5. He through whom the awful heaven and earth were made fast, he through whom the ether was established, and the firmament, he who measured the air in the sky. - Who is the God to whom we shall offer sacrifice?
6. He to whom heaven and earth, standing firm by his will, look up, trembling in their mind, he over whom the risen sun shines forth. - Who is the God to whom we shall offer sacrifice?
7. When the great waters went everywhere, holding the germ (Hiranya-garbha), and generating light, then there arose from them the breath of the gods. - Who is the God to whom we shall offer sacrifice?
8. He who by his might looked even over the waters which held power (the germ) and generated the sacrifice (light), he who alone is God above all gods. - Who is the God to whom we shall offer sacrifice?
9. May he not hurt us, he who is the begetter of the earth, or he, the righteous, who begat the heaven, he who also begat the bright and mighty waters. - Who is the God to whom we shall offer sacrifice?
10. Pragapati, no other than thou embraces all these created things. May that be ours which we desire when sacrificing to thee: May we be lords of wealth!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Vajrayogini - The Trauma Goddess

Morning prayers this morning turned into afternoon prayers instead today. The hardships I am facing are starting to take their toll on me. It also seems that everyone around me is facing some sort of hardship that is making it difficult for them to move forward. I thought of Vajrayogini and thought I'd introduce you to her if you didn't know about her before now.

  Vajrayogini drinks and transforms the negative karma of her devotees.

In 2006 Miranda Shaw wrote that "The Diamond Female" is the supreme deity of the Tantrik Tradition. No male Buddha, including her divine consort, approaches her in metaphysical or practical import. You can learn more here: Vajrayogini - The Trauma Goddess Don't forget to use the link at the bottom of the page to read a meditation on how Vajrayogini can purify the Buddhist practitioner of past traumas. It's a pretty cool read...almost like a guided visualization...

Enjoy Life!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Thor Rumbles Through

Thor's Journey to Geirrodsgard by Lorenz Frolich

Yesterday morning might have been direct and to the point but the day was anything but. By day's end I was mentally drained and physically dragging. Evening prayers even seemed a chore. I woke up later than usual again this morning but not so late that I missed Thor rumble through. He didn't linger and he was just sort of grumbling a bit as he made his way. I would have missed it if I hadn't rolled over when I did. I had a gentle rain over misty trees view to greet me as I woke up. I thought briefly about Thor, he who was said to preside over the air, who governed the thunder and lightning, the winds and rains, he who heralded fair weather and the abundance of crops.

My thoughts logically ran to Odin, Thor's Father.....

Odin The Wanderer by Georg von-Rosen

Looks like a Norse mythology kind of day...

Enjoy Life!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Wolf And The Ovvum Of Shakti

I am going through some very, very interesting days. I feel such a connection with the Divine One and with the forces of nature in and around me. Some of the things that I experienced yesterday evening were intense. And I say that in a good way. I had been reading in the Tantrik glossary that I had found. I had read about Mica being the ovvum of Shakti. It just so happens I have a nice piece of mica on my Earth table. I went to my Sacred Space and moved it into a more prominent place. I moved on to other subjects and forgot about the mica. Later in the evening I started winding down and I began my evening prayers. I take my time with my evening prayers, doing it in gradual small steps and incorporating my prayers into wrapping my daily activities up for the night. I was standing in the circle facing North and my Earth table and was gently swaying as I meditated and prayed. Suddenly the image of a wolf popped into my head. I immediately thought of the Earth element and looked over at my table. The last of the evening light combined with the light from the candle flame was causing the mica to reflect an aurora of color. I gazed at that and felt myself surrounded by an incredible hardwood forest. I was excited to see the wolf's full-size image there in front of me in my mind. I was only able to enjoy it for a moment because I guess from my excitement (I had trouble just "being" with the wolf...I tried...but my mind within my mind was skipping around too much) the wolf ran off. It was super nice while it lasted. I continued to enjoy the play of colors on the mica and went on with my evening prayers.

This morning has had a more direct approach about coming into being than yesterday's morning. I think I have read about a Hindu Goddess or Deity associated with the Dawn before. I'll have to put that on my list of things to get into today....I just had a thought about last night. What if I had sort of tapped into the energy of Shakti through my Mica and Shiva manifested as a Wolf in my mind to see what was up. Interesting...

Enjoy Life!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Seek And Ye Shall Find

You're not going to believe what a wealth of knowledge I have stumbled on. I'm practically speechless right now....everything you ever wanted to know about the Hindu Tantrik Tradition. Check it out here: Shiva Shakti Mandalam

Dakshinakali Yantra

The Joy Of Bird Song

The day came in gently this morning. With candles, incense, and bird song it continues to slowly unfold. It is like a ship pulling up slowly to the docks. Passengers lazily gathering their things readying themselves to embark on journeys to destinations unknown.

I drew the four and five of pentacles yesterday when I did a daily reading. Normally I just draw one card for guidance, but yesterday morning the two cards sort of presented themselves to me at the end of my shuffling. I couldn't resist using those two cards. The meaning behind the cards was timely, and useful information for me. I'm glad they were positive cards....I can use all the positive mojo I can get right now! If you've got any to spare, send some my way.....I'm over here....Can you feel me? Sometimes I crack myself up....

I hope everyone has a great day! I'm projecting light and love out into the ether today...

Enjoy Life!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Introducing The Oracle's Logbook

It seems that I've developed something of a sleeping pattern that works for me. Up until now I just kept going until I had to lay down, slept a few hours, and got up and went at it again. Now I have gotten into the habit of listening to evening mantras as I am lighting the evening candles at twilight. Often, I offer incense as well as the illumination from the flame of each candle. The candles are nice as an ease in the transition from daylight into the dark of the coming night. I work a bit more, watch a movie, or just some videos, then around 8 or 9 pm I go to bed. I sleep for about 6 hours usually and get up around 2:30 or 3 am. This way I can take my time in preparation for the day. Altar maintenance, self care, plant care, bird care. general household chores, then morning mantras as I do my morning prayers before sunrise. The light in my room begins to come alive and the first hint of daybreak begins to show in the East as I am finishing up. I get to enjoy the sun coming up from the window as I sip my coffee and enjoy the smell of the lingering incense. I begin my day in earnest about 8 am.

I'm not sure how I feel about doing journal type posts on this particular blog. I had a whole different direction in mind with article-like posts, but because of copyright laws I am having to find an alternative method to discuss the subjects I want to discuss. I have always been more comfortable writing in this journal type format anyway. I will just have to face my fear of appearing or actually being stupid. My negative self talk just informed me that people will probably say something like, "Ignorant yes, but stupid no." Or, "This guy is completely off his rocker." However, my positive self talk comes to the rescue and says, "You are independent of the good or bad opinion of others." guys can take my posts as you will. I hope that you will enjoy coming along for this ride I call my life. My most recent revelation was that the goal of my life or my grand purpose, doesn't have to be to attain enlightenment. That took a load off my mind. Yeah, I'll probably have to be reincarnated and continue on in Samsara...but I already figured that anyway. At least now I can work on it, but not like I have to get it done before I die. Granted, it would be nice if I were to be able to do it, but it will be okay if I just gain some ground in the pursuit.

I discovered some YouTube videos that would be really informative if you are thinking about finding out about your subtle energy body and the Chakras. The gentleman's name is Peter Marchand. He is an author, teacher, and one of the founders of the Sanatan Society. I wish I had found these back when I was just starting out with the subject. Here is the link:  The 7 Chakras: Desires of the Chakras. I think instead of calling these type posts journal entries, I will call them entries into The Oracle's seems to stir the imagination a bit more. That's always a good, pleasant thing to do.

Enjoy Life!

Holding Together

I Ching Tarot Deck

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Two things have happened that have caused me to have to kind of step back from my blog for a bit. The first is the fact that last weekend I came down with Bell’s Palsy. I had thought I could continue on as though nothing were wrong and not even mention it but I was wrong. I didn’t realize that there would be pain involved. The first couple of days I had sporadic pain that was pretty intense but it always seemed to subside. Now it is an almost constant ache and throb along with a continuous feeling of discomfort. To be honest with you, most of the time now I am downright miserable.

The second thing that happened was that I ran across the sources I had taken my Chakra notes from. I realized that I had just about copied everything word for word. I had to take all the posts I had done down. Not only that, I also realized just how truly ignorant I am on the subject. I have got to do a lot more research and study before I am able to write about the subject intelligently. I am trying my best not to get disillusioned but it’s really hard. If I hadn’t gone through this overwhelmed, almost disillusioned feeling before I might give up. It always seems to pass and I have some breakthrough in understanding though. I just have to keep plugging away as best I can.

Enjoy life guys!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Today's Gift From The Cards: Page Of Pentacles

I was finishing up with my morning sadhana and decided I would draw a card from the Tarot Deck. The cards surprised me again. It's like they are sending me pretty clear guidance these days...Today I drew the Page Of Pentacles...the natural progression from the Seven Of Pentacles I drew on Monday. Now that we've taken a look around us, assessed the situation, and developed some new strategies, it's time to put them into action. Alrighty then....let's get this show on the road!

I just happened to run across an article after reflecting on the card awhile. It fits in quite nicely with the drawing of this particular card today. It is by Darity Wesley.Oracle for August - Authenticity. I hope you take a look at it. They are important words to remember as we start these new plans.

Enjoy Life!

This post was done with the help of Sarah Bartlett's interpretation of the cards.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Where Or What Next?

I know today's not a normal Tarot Card day, but I was doing some work in my Sacred Space room and thought, "Why don't I draw a card for today?" I actually drew a Pentacle today! It was the Seven Of Pentacles and that means it's time for a reality check. There has been quite a lot of effort that has been put into something and there has been enough progress done to where you can stand back and admire your work and evaluate where you are and where you're going. Does a new strategy need to be developed or can we stay on this present course? The card is telling us that we need to wrap things up on present projects, evaluate and prepare for a new strategy.

All my posts on Tarot Cards are done with the help of Sarah Bartlett's interpretation of the cards.

Enjoy Life!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Lord Vishnu

Today's Gift From The Cards: Seven Of Wands

When doing tarot spreads it is good to take an overall look at the layout and get a feel for things. That's what I did this morning. I took a look back to when I started doing these posts to get an overall view of things thus far. Up to this point, with the exception of the King of Cups, we have had all Major Arcana cards and Wands. A majority of Wands could mean a good thing or bad thing as always with the Tarot. It could mean that we are ready for adventure, that we have a lot of drive and motivation at this time, and that we are bold and defiant but we do it with charm. On the other hand it could mean that we are restless, impulsive, hot-tempered, and full of pride.

Today's card tells us that we might be facing some sort of opposition. This could be from an outside source or it could be from our own inner self. We need to stand our ground in either case and stand them down. We need to have the conviction to assert our needs and rights. If it is our inner demons we have to face. We have to keep in mind that they are only our fears and doubts that threaten to take over when we are faced with change or when we have some crucial decisions to make. Be honest about what you want and take action toward that goal. 

These blog posts are done with the help of Sarah Bartlett's interpretation of the cards.

Enjoy Life!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Today's Gift From The Cards: Four Of Wands

For most, drawing this card is like waking up to blue skies, comfortable temperatures, and wanting to play. I didn't want to influence anyone's interpretation of The Devil card the other day so I didn't mention that I really dislike it. Trust me, I felt its influence in my life...especially yesterday. This card however usually tells us that it is time to celebrate and rejoice. Laugh, be lighthearted, and let your inner child come out. For some of us though, I think myself included, it tells us that we are wanting to experience all the laid-back possibilities of life at the expense of something more important. We may be denying serious aspects of our life for fear of changing, moving on, or looking at the truth of who we really are. It is time to free ourselves from anything that isn't working for us and move on to new possibilities.

My tarot card posts are done using Sarah Bartlett's interpretation of the cards.

Enjoy Life!