Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Joy Of Bird Song

The day came in gently this morning. With candles, incense, and bird song it continues to slowly unfold. It is like a ship pulling up slowly to the docks. Passengers lazily gathering their things readying themselves to embark on journeys to destinations unknown.

I drew the four and five of pentacles yesterday when I did a daily reading. Normally I just draw one card for guidance, but yesterday morning the two cards sort of presented themselves to me at the end of my shuffling. I couldn't resist using those two cards. The meaning behind the cards was timely, and useful information for me. I'm glad they were positive cards....I can use all the positive mojo I can get right now! If you've got any to spare, send some my way.....I'm over here....Can you feel me? Sometimes I crack myself up....

I hope everyone has a great day! I'm projecting light and love out into the ether today...

Enjoy Life!

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