Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Today's Gift From The Cards: Page Of Pentacles

I was finishing up with my morning sadhana and decided I would draw a card from the Tarot Deck. The cards surprised me again. It's like they are sending me pretty clear guidance these days...Today I drew the Page Of Pentacles...the natural progression from the Seven Of Pentacles I drew on Monday. Now that we've taken a look around us, assessed the situation, and developed some new strategies, it's time to put them into action. Alrighty then....let's get this show on the road!

I just happened to run across an article after reflecting on the card awhile. It fits in quite nicely with the drawing of this particular card today. It is by Darity Wesley.Oracle for August - Authenticity. I hope you take a look at it. They are important words to remember as we start these new plans.

Enjoy Life!

This post was done with the help of Sarah Bartlett's interpretation of the cards.

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