Thursday, August 21, 2014

Daily Sadhana

In addition to casting a circle almost every New and Full Moon I also do morning and evening prayers. The length of time I have decides how involved my ritual is to be. At the very least I light a candle,some incense , and reverence the thangkas, murti, and icons.If it's morning prayers I tell Ganesha how much I love him and how much I am grateful for his help. I humbly ask Him to be with me through the day and to remove any obstacles that I might encounter, or provide me with good options in dealing with them. I tell Mother Kali and Durga how much I love them and I thank them for how much they love me. I ask them to share their divine love with me through the day and to guard and protect me. I tell Lakshmi and Saraswati how much I love them. I pray to Jesus Christ that if I am one of his lost sheep, that being the Good Shepard, would he please guide me home.

There is always Earth represented on my Altar in the form of Himalayan sea salt. I light my red candle to represent Fire and the incense burning represents Air. I take the bowl (that has the leftover water from yesterday) from the Altar, empty it, and refill it with fresh water. I offer the water to the Gods then place it on the Altar to represent Water. I spend as much time as I have to say  mantras, pray, or reflect on the day in the presence of the Gods. I ask for guidance and discernment most days. I then put out the candles and make sure the incense is okay and begin my day. In the evenings it is much the same only I spend a little more time in thanking the Gods for their help

For the longest time I put off incorporating the Hindu Deities I love into my regular prayer practice (which I now call my Sadhana after learning the word...). I didn't want to do if without knowing the proper way to do it. I happened to be reading about Kali one day and it said that in sacred texts it was written that she said, "Speak to me as you would your mother..." That struck a cord with me and I decided on doing things the way I just described. On New Moons I put out food for my relatives who have crossed over, specifically my Mom, and Grandmother.

The whole time I've been writing this I've been asking myself, "Why are you writing about this?" Quite honestly, I don't know. I'm not trying to brag or make you feel sorry for me or anything like that at all. Please don't think I'm crazy either. I know it seems like I am taking liberties in the way I am approaching and speaking to the Gods, but it is genuine, sincere, and heartfelt. How could they be angry? I think it's just that I want you to be able to get to know me as best as you can through this medium.

I hope this turns out to be a great day for everyone!

Enjoy Life!

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